Posted by Kristi at 12:57 PM
I was wondering this past weekend, in part due to conversations with a friend, what most protestants would consider to be the focus of a protestant worship service? Is there something to which everything in a service is centered upon, or does the service need to be taken as a whole and not broken up into pieces of greater or lesser importance? If there is a focus or center or climax to a general worship service, what is it or what should it be, and why (is it the focus)?
Obviously, we could all say that Christ should be the focus, but for the sake of the question I was taking this as the granted and understood foundation of
everything in worship. The question is more directed at what in the actions of the church is of primary importance, if anything?
I am personally interested in feedback from those who would attend protestant services, mainly because it is perhaps more ambiguous for me what their focus is; but I will be happy to open up the floor to other traditions sharing their perspective assuming that some of the resident protestants will also speak up. :)
It could also be translated: "Unto ages of ages"
"From eternity to eternity"
something like that...
"From eternities to eternities"