An eclectic group of individuals who have two things in common: faith in Jesus and a connection to St. John's College. Here we gather, across time and space, to carry on a dialogue.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Okay, here's a real bio
Posted by Anonymous at 2:12 PM
I guess that I should take the time to do a real bio, too… This is Rhonda (Franklin) Ortiz, A’04, married and living in Annapolis, attending St. Mary’s Parish (where I was received into the Catholic Church – capital C – two Easters ago), member of Regnum Christi (, still hoping for babies, working at Caffé Pronto Coffee Roastery ( My husband Jared will be at CUA in DC this fall as an Historical Theology PhD student.

Most recently, I saw a lot of Johnnies at croquet (!) and spoke with Kristi on the phone. I look forward to seeing y’all at graduation, in particular LAM’s little boy, who I’m sure is cute as a button.
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