An eclectic group of individuals who have two things in common: faith in Jesus and a connection to St. John's College. Here we gather, across time and space, to carry on a dialogue.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Posted by Dwight at 2:57 PM
I have this habit of sometimes not wanting to ask questions... Possibly because I subconsciously think that my perfect doctrine cannot handle the stress... I'm like the Mooninites "Don't question it"


What is up in Matthew 7? Particularly the bit about fruit and the bit after that about miracles. I had always thought that prophesy, exorcism, and miracles were fruit*. If they are, how can these grapes be found among thorns? If they aren't, what is?

Do we go with the fruits of the spirit? I guess then, these people were doing miracles, but in an unloving, unjoyful, etc. manner...

*Not exclusively, but at least a part of the set.
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  Comment by Blogger Jackson at 3:55 PM, June 02, 2006
I think the second resolution you propose is the better one: the idea that they're doing miracles but not displaying the fruits of the spirit in how they do them. The Greek word here, transliterated, is "pseudoprophets": prophets who are liars! And when you consider that a prophet (as the word is used in the Bible) isn't necessarily a miracle worker, but just someone who "speaks forth" a message from God, you get that a "pseudoprophet" is just someone who purports to have a message from God, but the message isn't actually from God. Jesus is saying here that you'll know whether a guy's a false prophet or not by the morality of his behavior.
By "morality," I mean real morality, just not what passes for it in our culture. I mean acting in a way that's loving, compassionate, promoting peace and justice, all these things. The fruit of the spirit, like you said, Dwight. I easily forget that that's what real morality is--something good that God is growing in you.
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