An eclectic group of individuals who have two things in common: faith in Jesus and a connection to St. John's College. Here we gather, across time and space, to carry on a dialogue.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Re: Jackson on comments
Posted by Kristi at 7:41 AM

My main difficulty with comments is when there ARE multiple conversations going on at the moment, then I have to scroll through the whole page and check each comment blurb for each post to see if there is anything new, because I can't remember just based on looking at the "#" of comments whether there is anything new... and it seems that once someone posts something "new" on the main page, the comments sort of die out on previous posts. But I don't think it has to be that way, I think it's fine to keep 2 or 3 or however many different topics of discussion going on. This may not always happen of course.

Sir had previously suggested to me about bringing the comments onto the main page, under the original post, like what he has done over at his blog. My problem with that format is that it does not eliminate the problem of scrollscrollscrolling to search out new comments.

I don't use RSS feeds, but I still thought collapsible posts would be helpful. You could see lots of topics really quickly at once, without scrolling, and easily identify the new posts/comments/replies that you haven't read yet.

But I am still open to other suggestions. I am not the most HTML-web-savvy person...
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  Comment by Blogger Nate at 4:41 PM, June 09, 2006
It's starting to sound an awful lot like what you'd like is a bulletin board.

If you're dedicated to the blog, though, one possibility would be to create a "Recent Comments" section on the sidebar.


6/9: Nate posted to "Re: Jackson on Comments"

It's starting to sound an awful lot like what you'd like is...

6/8: Kristi posted to "Re: Jackson on Comments"

The thing that gets me about Jackson is his absurd love of 19th century...


And so on. You could have the five most-recent comments or something. I'm not sure exactly how to do this with Blogger--it's certainly easy enough with Movable Type.

And, of course, it still might not address your fundamental problem, which is that it sounds like you'd like a bulletin board.
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  Comment by Blogger Nate at 4:54 PM, June 09, 2006
Okay, it turns out to be a bit complicated to add this feature to a Blogger blog (though not impossible).

The other possibility if you're that committed, Kristi, would be to enlist someone to set you up with a more versatile custom Movable Type setup. Kinda up to you.
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  Comment by Blogger Jackson at 1:15 AM, June 11, 2006
yeah, I started thinking that maybe a bulletin board would be the best way to do this.
except that: we all have blogger accounts, and the last thing I (or probably any of us) want is another Online Identity Thing that I have to sign into.
and that's what made me realize: you know, it's not really that big a deal what we do with the blog. I mean, sure it's worth talking about, but whatever format we end up going with, it's not gonna be perfect. c'est la vie.
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