An eclectic group of individuals who have two things in common: faith in Jesus and a connection to St. John's College. Here we gather, across time and space, to carry on a dialogue.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Love Always Trusts
Posted by Jared at 12:12 AM
People keep making claims on me.
They'll pop a fact I'm not sure how to check,
and I dunno whether to hold it as true or ignore the statement.
I hear love always trusts.

So how do I love informants while keeping my facts straight?

Examples of people making claims:
~the media tells me Daily News
~pastors mention extrabiblical historical/cultural info in sermons
~Gedaliah's situation in Jer. 40:13-16
(Gedaliah trusted Ishmael wouldn't kill him.
Should Gedaliah have trusted Johanan over Ishmael?)
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  Comment by Blogger Sir Robert at 9:32 AM, August 09, 2006
You were probably going along in life just fine before that fact was told to you. If you can't check it, just take it for what it is (something someone told you) and move on. Don't repeat it as fact unless it is.
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  Comment by Blogger Jared at 2:54 PM, August 09, 2006
Huh. Thanks, Sir; it seems so clear and obvious now.
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