Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Blood of Jesus
Posted by 11:40 AM
at From my blog::
I read a really good little talk by Watchman Nee which resonated with the sermon in church today (on Ephesians 5). Or at least what I was thinking about during the sermon.
There is a split in the first 8 chapters of Romans between the use of the word “sins” and “sin” which pretty closely corresponds to the use of “the blood of Jesus” and “the cross”.
The Blood of Jesus takes care of our sins, the cross deals with the power of Sin.
Another good point he made was about Satan (the accuser) who’s favorite tactic is to tell us that we are not good enough to approach God. He points out our sins and says “see, you aren’t in His kingdom.” That only works when we approach God by any other means than the blood of Jesus. When we think that there is something good in us that allows us to approach God and talk to Him.
But there isn’t… We are only able to approach God because of the Blood of Jesus.
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